About Us

Business: Enterprise Solution for Bridge Performance Management

Our Bridges, a $5 trillion asset, are structurally sick. The question is how sick?

Intelligent Structures allows bridges to talk digitally (IoT – I-Bridge) and measures their condition. IntelliStruct analytics, uses these measurements and takes a bridge EKG and monitors its health. Through our Enterprise solution IntelliStruct, bridge owners use this information to diagnose and continuously monitor in real-time the structural health (SHM) of their bridges.

The result: Bridge owners make better decisions on bridge asset management for safer and more productive management of this crucial asset.

Enterprise Bridge Performance Management Solution

Enterprise Solution: IntelliStruct - Industrial Internet of Things and Structural Health Monitoring

Intelligent Structures' purpose is to address the critical global problem of decaying infrastructure and significantly improve the productivity of infrastructure asset management and decision making. Our innovative solution - IntelliStruct is a sensor to Enterprise I-IoT information platform for Bridge Management. Implementing Intellistruct allows bridge owners to extend the life of a bridge from 50 years to a goal of 100- 200 years. We allow each bridge to “talk” and have its structural health assessed utilizing a combination of low cost sensor networks, combined with analytics of big data that enable strong collaboration between people.

Our Team has extensive experience in all aspects of Industrial Internet of Things including sensor technology, wireless networks, enterprise cloud software and analytics. Our team also has knowledge and depth of experience in structural health monitoring and live load testing of bridges that is incorporated into our solution.

Intelligent Structures:  Creating High Performing Structures for a safer and more productive world!